Middle School
« Help me think for myself »
Educational concept, 50% in French 50% in English based on humanist values, taking into account the different intelligence. 

 Based on the National Education program and the 20/30 skills defined by international education experts (OECD - Europe - World Bank) reinforced by projects (Project based learning) allowing a comprehensive education to flourish for best prepare our students for tomorrow’s world. 
We offer a place of fulfillment so that the learning process is aiming to a balance between intellectual and emotional. 
Each student is encouraged to develop their full potential, through the acquisition of a common base of fundamental knowledge and transversal skills as we have experimenting over the last 10 year within NLC School (nursery, primary). 
Our goal is that all students can find their place in the world of the 21st century, which they will contribute to build by developing a humanist consciousness and commitment. 
We encourage the development of curiosity, creativity, autonomy but also the value of effort, team building, critical thinking, experimenting, problem solving, in a voluntary approach allowing the emotion to be in the center of his work at school and later on in life.

In this context our objectives are : 
  • Define with the teenager his cognitive and educational profile to set up an individualized and personalized methodology (methodology workshop one hour / week) so that he gains in efficiency and autonomy.
  • Offer “common core” classes in the morning, when mental bioavailability is best for stimulating abstract thinking (verbal and linguistic intelligence and logico-mathematics).
  • "Technological and creative" will be offered to him in the afternoon, in order to develop the practical and creative aspects to appeal to the other neuro-cerebral spheres (Spatial and Kinesthetic Intelligence).
  • Reinforce the transversal relational skills essential to his social adaptation: theatre, sophrology and stress management, social communication, expressing needs, social belonging & team spirit... (Interpersonal intelligence)
  • Awareness of the global competency of the adolescent: Guide him to implement wise and healthy values for his future (intrapersonal intelligence & safe behavior).
  • The sustainable development of the planet put into perspective based on the interests of young people: water, food and agriculture, biofuel, protection of endangered species, renewable energy, etc. Motivation is the keystone of any type of learning, enhancing the mobilization of intellectual energy.
These objectives are reinforced by :
  • ISTEAM workshop (innovation, science, technology, art and math)
  • Methodology
  • Sport
  • Art and music (creation of an orchestra within the school)
  • Well-being (sophrology)
  • Interaction with the business world (entrepreneur ‘s presentations)
Extra Curricular Activities
We also offer additional extra curricular activities.
For more information about activities please click on Home.